woensdag 6 november 2019

Some colors of autumn !

  © Gertjan Velthuizen

                                                              © Gertjan Velthuizen

woensdag 23 oktober 2019


De aarde warmt op
Klimaten veranderen
Economie eist  tol .

Oorlog woedt alom
Schutters schieten in het rond
Mensen worden ziek.

Op de fiets er uit
De seizoenen zijn er nog
Herfst en ik teken.

                                                               © Gertjan Velthuizen

zondag 9 juni 2019


Spring is almost summer, but here are some late spring nature drawings.
Various flowers and grasses are doing there utmost to make it a PARTY !

                                                     © Gertjan Velthuizen

With the longer light in the evenings it is nice to walk and draw in nature after work .The sunset is always tempting to make a drawing of it , but  it is always playing  hard to get....

                                                    © Gertjan Velthuizen

However there is some red, blue , yellow and pink, at the end of may the  oxeye daisy's  form white blankets on the fields in our local reserve.

                                                        © Gertjan Velthuizen

The start of june brings more purples , yellows , specially the sweet clover  , and red of the poppy's.

                                                                      © Gertjan Velthuizen

zondag 13 januari 2019

2019. the start

However cold and rain is present at this first month of 2019,
there is always an opportunity to go out and draw something!

 The drawing below is made at the entrance of the park called  " Waalbos",
were I do  a lot of walking , birdwatching, and drawing.

  © Gertjan Velthuizen

The next drawing was made at the Waalbos too.
It's made with brown ink, brush and a reed-pen .

Reed-pens are nice to use, they act a little unpreditable in the way they give the ink to the paper,
above that it was  so cold i wore gloves, but i am happy with the result:

                                                        © Gertjan Velthuizen

The last drawing in this post was done in the Crezee-polder ,a new reserve. 
It was so utterly cold that I stayed in the car to draw.
Used reed-pen , brush and brown ink again.

                                                         © Gertjan Velthuizen